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Talkin' Trash Blog
A conversation about garbage and our ocean
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Fun facts about the Jones Beach Water Tower
Candy wrapper that dates back to 1986 looks brand new
Why you can smell the rain
What are those black spikey things on the beach? ... Water Chestnuts
Hog Island was one of New York's popular beach destinations - Until it disappeared forever
Man turns dumpsite into forest over 25 years
Scientists peered into an octopus brain - They actually quite intelligent
How a Portuguese fishing village tamed a 100ft wave
Men who spent 29 days lost at sea say it was a nice break
Plastics make beaches hotter during the day and colder at night
International Coastal Cleanup Day
What is a nurdle aka mermaid tears?
Why is the ocean so salty?
What is plogging? Jogging while picking up trash...
Fun facts about the ocean for World Oceans Day
Jogger stunned to see ship hovering high above sea
With mystical new marine species and underwater flora, our planet's deep oceans truly are remarkable
Mushroom that eats plastic may help in fight against plastic waste
How Waikiki's legendary beach boys defined aloha
Mermaid goes viral lounging on a plastic filled beach in bali
The 'garbage guy' walks 12 miles a day around D.C. picking up trash
Long Beach has a new recycling schedule
How much plastic is in the ocean and what we can do about it?
Dinosaur species may have traveled across an ocean
No crabs were harmed in the making of this t-shirt
Done with your mask? Don't forget to cut the straps! (a bird will thank you)
A cassette tape lost at sea, found 25 years later
Long Island Community Service
Old train cars dumped into ocean to create artificial reef off Long Beach
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