Long Beach Recycling Schedule 2025
January 29th
Glass, Metal & Plastic
February 5th
Paper & Cardboard
February 12th
Glass, Metal & Plastic
February 19th
Paper & Cardboard
February 26th
Glass, Metal & Plastic
March 5th
Paper & Cardboard
March 12th
Glass, Metal & Plastic
March 19th
Paper & Cardboard
March 26th
Glass, Metal & Plastic
Residential Recycling pickup takes place on Wednesdays only. The materials recycled will alternate weekly; paper and cardboard will be picked up one week and the following Wednesday will be pickup for plastic, metal and glass. By sorting your recyclables by type, you can help to cut down on recycling waste and increase the amount of recoverable material that can be sourced out of your recyclables. EMPTY and RINSE all containers and place glass, metal and plastics in a container. FLATTEN and BUNDLE all paper and cardboard and place in a container. High Rise Pickup (East Broadway, West Broadway, and Shore Road) - Recycling pickup: 6 days a week - Monday through Saturday (no Sunday pickup). Commercial Pickup (Park Avenue and West Beech Street) - Recycling Pickup is 7 days a week. Please separate recyclable glass, metal & plastic from cardboard & paper. Both products will be picked up everyday. City of Long Beach recycle pails can be purchased, at cost, for $15.00 in the Tax Department, room 300 at City Hall, from 9am - 5pm, Monday through Friday. Cash, checks, Visa or MasterCard will be accepted. Place all recycling receptacles curbside after 7:00 p.m. the day prior to collection and no later than 7:00 a.m. day of collection. If strong winds are expected, please secure containers. For Sanitation & Recycling inquiries or comments please contact 516-432-3132What can you recycle in LBNY?

Printable Guide: What to Recycle and How to Recycle Properly
Paper, including computer and ledger paper, mail, flyers, telephone books, notecards, newspaper, magazines, file folders, paper bags, catalogs and all envelopes, including those with windows. Cardboard, including cardboard boxes and chipboard, cereal boxes, tissue boxes, dry food boxes, shoe boxes and detergent boxes. Metals, including aluminum, tin, meat cans, soda cans, juice cans, soup cans, vegetable cans, pet food cans, pie tins, clean aluminum foil, and empty paint and aerosol cans. Glass bottles and jars, including soda bottles, wine bottles, beer bottles, sauce jars and pickle jars. Plastics: PETE 1 - Polyethylene Terephthlate, including plastic soda bottles, plastic juice bottles and plastic water bottles. Plastics: HDPE 2 - High Density Polyethylene, including milk jugs, laundry detergent and planters. Plastics: PP 5 - Polyproplylene, including yogurt tubs, plastic bottle tops and margarine tubs.